I suppose my contusion could be caused due to overtraining.
So if we are active daily we can't forget about regeneration and rest.
I used to play tennis almoust every day a week, and climb in weekends. And even though I was in good form, my muscles, joints, tendons and bones sometimes need some rest.
There are some basic signs that indicate you may be overtrained:
1. You fell fatigue, exhausted, sluggish during the day.
2. You have problem with sleeping and feel restless and excitable.
3. Your joints, bones, muscles hurt.
4. You’re suddenly falling ill a lot more often.
5. After a normal training you feel like after a big workout and you need more time to rally.
6. Loss in apetite.
7. Headache.
8. Elevated morning pulse.
9. Sudden inability to complete workout.
No one knows you better than you do. So observe yourself everyday to catch any indicators that your body had more than it has handle to avoid contusions.
No one knows you better than you do. So observe yourself everyday to catch any indicators that your body had more than it has handle to avoid contusions.
And don't forget about stretching yourself after every kind of activity.
I'll write more about how to stretch and why it's so important the next time.
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